Dates | 1918 - 1919 | ||||||||
Cotes | Cote : FJM 440/2 | ||||||||
Type de document | Vidéo | ||||||||
Durée [min] | 20 min 06 | ||||||||
Copyright | National Archives at College Park, Department of Defense. Department of the Army |
Citation de la source | Acquisitions de la Fondation Jean Monnet pour l'Europe, Cote : FJM 440/2. Lausanne : Fondation Jean Monnet | ||||||||
video/mp4 |
Glimpses of Persons, Places, and Events During Conferences at Paris 1918-1919
Reel 1 shows E.M. House and aides at his Paris office. Premier Clemenceau and Marshal Foch leave No. 10 Downing Street. Shows views of the hotels Elysees-Palace, Crillon, and Ritz in Paris. Adm. Benson and Henry White leave the Crillon. Premier Orlando and Baron Sonnino of Italy, Lloyd George and David Balfour, Gen. Tasker Bliss, Robert Lansing, Pres. and Mrs. Wilson, Adm. Grayson, Clemenceau, Pres. Poincare, Min. of For. Affairs Pichon, and Arthur J. Balfour arrive at the Quai d'Orsay, Paris, to open the peace conference. Reel 2 shows Japanese Amb. Matsui; Henry White, Foch, Lansing, Arthur Balfour, Adm. Benson, Gen. Bliss, and others at the Quai d'Orsay. Poincare departs. Pres. and Mrs. Wilson arrive. Clemenceau leaves. Sec. of the Navy Daniels and Adm. Benson arrive at the Ritz. Pres. Wilson, Dr. Wellington Koo, Ignace Paderewski, and the Greek delegate Venizelos arrive at the Crillon. King George V is greeted at a Paris station by Pres. Poincare and rides through the streets. Poincare greets King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of Belgium at the station. The royalty ride in a procession. Victor Emmanuel III arrives by train
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2018 | Enregistrement par la Fondation |